How Is 27th February Related To World NGO Day?


Every year 27th February is celebrated as World NGO Day with an objective to highlight the good work done by NGOs or non-profit organizations across the globe. There are millions of organizations involved in betterment of society through education, culture, science, medical and helping the poor and downtrodden. And citizens of the civil society need to know about the good work done by these non-profit groups.

History of the World NGO Day?

The World NGO Day was first observed in February 24, 2010 when the Baltic Sea NGO Forum Council of the Baltic Sea States in Lithuania received official recognition. But the first World NGO Day was celebrated in 2014 in Helsinki, the capital of Finland.

What is the objective of the World NGO Day?


Objective of the World NGO Day is to educate people about the importance of these organizations by highlighting their work. Also, the NGOs want to attract attention of the civil society and the governments on the issues they often face in discharge of their duties.

How is the World NGO Day celebrated?

The World NGO Day is celebrated across the globe by non-profit groups. They organize competitions, host talk shows and go between the masses to highlight their work and attract attention. Also, they take … Read more