Indian Airline Achieved huge success: Air India Come to be first Indian airline to fly over the North Pole!

On the last Independence Day, Air India celebrating its success through hoisted Boeing 777 aircraft over the North Pole and becomes the first Indian airline to operate commercial flights from the polar region.

The Delhi-San Francisco flight, which frequently overflies from the Atlantic Pacific Ocean, cut athwart latitudes instead on Thursday to fly over the North Pole and it was a hurrah moment. According to sources we have found, India will start its route to San Francisco by the end of August.

An Indian regulator DGCA takes this huge step

This decision was made out by Indian regulator DGCA (Directorate General of Civil Aviation) by distributing a circular and asking from Indian Airlines if any Indian airlines would be interested in fly over the North Pole, and India Showed its interest in this.

Now at the moment, the Indian Airlines takes flight from Delhi –San Francisco via Bangladesh, Myanmar, China, and Japan by crossing Pacific Ocean ad enters into the United States.

The new route will include Arctic Ocean, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Canada before entering the United States. For more information please visit our latest trending News


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