Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that the capital had become a gas-chamber and blamed the stubble burning in the neighbouring states of Haryana and Punjab for the deteriorating air quality index of Delhi.
What did Kejriwal say on Delhi Pollution?
Delhi CM squarely blamed the state governments of Haryana and Punjab for Delhi pollution. He said that the Haryana and Punjab governments are forcing farmers to burn stubble that is causing the Delhi pollution to rise to dangerous level. He made strong comments on rising pollution level of the city while distributing breathing masks to school children.
Arvind Kejriwal took Delhi pollution to Twitter
He didn’t stop at criticizing the governments of neighbouring states on the ground and took to social media to write strongly-worded posts to highlight the plight of Delhi residents especially the school children that have to breath-in pollutants in the early hours when the pollution is at its peak.
He asked school children to write to Captain Uncle and Khattar Uncle to think about their health. The Kejriwal government started distributing breathing masks to school children through private and government schools. He distributed 50 lakh masks in Delhi schools and asked all Delhiites to wear masks while going out.
What is the pollution level in Delhi?
There is a public health emergency in the Delhi-NCR region due to pollution level entering “severe plus”. The Delhi government has closed all schools till November 5. Also, the construction activity and bursting of firecrackers banned in the city.