The latest commercial of Mahindra Truck And Bus shows Ajay Devgn losing his cool with repeated changes in the script. The video shows the star asking why the script is changed again and again and showing his exasperation on getting a creepy reply.
See The Video
Ajay Devgn is ready for the shoot, but the script has changed. He asks why the script is being changed and someone answers that it has been changed only four times. The actor shows his exasperation. The video ends with a caption – keep watching, meaning that is more to come in the video.
Anand Mahindra’s Reaction On The Video
Chairman of Mahindra Group, Anand Mahindra, took to Twitter to give his reaction to the video.
“I better leave town before he comes after me in one our trucks…” said Anand Mahindra.
And his reaction started a series of tweets and comments from his followers. It is to be noted that Anand Mahindra uses his Twitter handle to give his views on different matters and he has a large followership on the microblogging platform.
After Anand Mahindra’s tweet went viral, one of his followers warned him that the actor could come on two trucks. The follower was alluding to the actor’s stunt for his film Phool Aur Kaante.
Anand Mahindra also tweeted a video showing Ajay Devgn doing a stunt on two Mahindra trucks. Both his tweets received thousands of likes within a short time.
Ajay Devgn’s Reaction To The Video
The actor also took to his Twitter handle to give his reaction. But he thanked Anand Mahindra for the amazing video and the great experience of working with the Mahindra group. He said his special feats would always be reserved for Mahindra.