Highlights Of The Grand Republic Day parade 2020

India celebrated the 71st Republic Day on 26th January with a grand parade on Rajpath. And it was a 90-minute display of military might, cultural diversity and socio-economic progress of the country. The chief guest of today’s parade was Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. The ceremony started with PM Narendra Modi paying tribute to soldiers at the National War Memorial.

Republic Day 2020 highlights

• The armed forces of the nation and their armaments were at the centre-stage of the grand parade.

• A total of 16 marching contingents including National Cadet Corps and National Service Scheme took part in the parade.

• For the second consecutive year, a woman officer Captain Tania Sher Gill of the Corps of Signals led an all-male contingent.

• The 61st Cavalry, the only active horse cavalry regiment in the world also took part in the parade. Raised in 1953, the cavalry was in the uniform of the erstwhile Gwalior Lancers.

• The Air Force contingent had 144 air warriors with a tableau showcasing scaled-down models of newly-acquired fighter jet Rafael and indigenous Tejas aircraft and the Light Combat Helicopter and Akash and Astra missile systems.

• The naval contingent was comprised of 144 young sailors and equipment like the Boeing P81 Long Range Maritime Petrol aircraft, the Kolkata Class Destroyer and the Kalvari Class submarine.

• DRDO marching contingent displayed the unique anti-satellite weapon Mission Shakti that can bring down hostile satellites.

• 21 women bikers of CRPF on five bikes performed daredevil stunts in the parade.

• There was a total of 22 tableaux from 16 states, union territories and ministries and departments were in the parade.

• In the grand finale, there was fly-past with the “Trishul” formation by three Advanced Light Helicopters. Also, there was a “tri-service” formation followed by a “Vic” formation of Chinook helicopters in the parade.

Source: https://bit.ly/2GpkHBi

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