Indian economy slipped down in the world now on number 7

The breaking news of today, the tag of the 5th economy of the world of India fell by 2 numbers due to the last year 2018 lethargy. Indian economy suffered a lot of changes resultant the crown is snatched by other countries.

According to the World Bank report, the growth of Britain and France is much greater than of India, hence they switched India with 5th and 6th position, and India got 7the rank.

World Bank Reports on Statistics

Indian’s economy grew by 3.01% in 2018 which is lower than of 2017 by 12%. Britain economy grew by 6.81% and France by 7.33%. As per the reports of the World Bank, Britain economy enjoys $2.82 trillion in 2018 and France $2.78 while India reaches only $2.73 trillion.

In the year of 2017, France was on 7th position and Britain on 6th this year data recorded absolutely opposite.

It’s crucial to talk here, the Modi government has been told the Indian Economy rise by $5 trillion in the next couple of years.

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