How ISRO Chief K Sivan Broke The News Of Chandrayaan-2 Lander Vikram Communication Loss To PM Modi

The top scientist of India, K Sivan, briefed Prime Minister Narendra Modi about the loss of communication with Chandrayaan-2 lander Vikram. It was a grim moment and as the top scientist termed it “15 minutes of terror”.

An emotional K Sivan brief about Chandrayaan-2

It was 2:16 AM when K Sivan briefed his team about the loss of communication with the lander Vikram. The room was full of eminent scientists involved in the mission. But they all were crestfallen. Later at 3:10 AM, one of the ISRO scientists, announced that the press conference planned was cancelled.

PM Modi patted ISRO chief

Prime Minister Narendra Modi was watching the landing of Vikram when he was approached by K Sivan. The scientist broke the news of loss of communication to PM Modi who then patted K Sivan and console him by giving him a tight hug.

PM Narendra Modi appreciated the efforts made by K Sivan and his team and gave them his best wishes for future projects. He said K Sivan did a great service to science and the country. He further maintained that whatever the ISRO scientist did wasn’t a small thing.

Vikram’s landing was smooth and as planned until 2.1km above the lunar surface when it lost control with the earth. For more information please visit our latest trending News


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