India Launched Satellite Made By An Israeli School

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) launched Indian satellite RISAT-2BR1 with 9 satellites of four countries at 03:25 PM from Satish Dhawan space centre inSriharikota.

RISAT-2BR1 satellite

The RISAT-2BR1 is a radar imaging and earth observation satellite and it can take clear images in clouds and low light conditions. It packs 0.35-meter resolution camera that can locate and recognize to different articles even when they are only 35 cm apart. It weighs 628 kg and it would work for 5 years. This satellite would help armed forces in keeping a tab over infiltration in the border areas.

Security agencies require 4 RISAT satellites

ISRO is planning to launch the RISAT-2BR2 satellite this month and another after the second launch but no launch date is revealed yet. Security agencies need at least 4 RISAT satellites to keep a watch over specific places. These satellites would provide real help in locating infiltration and conducing encounters.

PSLV-C48 rocket is used in launch

It was the 50th mission of PSLV and 75th rocket launched from Sriharikota. Also, it was the 37th launch from the first launch pad of Satish Dhawan space centre. ISRO has lined 13 launch mission till 6th March 2020. Out of these 13 launches, 6 belong to big vehicle mission and 7 satellite mission.

Rockets launched of other countries

ISRO launched 6 satellites of USA and 1 nano satellite each of Israel, Japan, Italy and Israel. The Israeli satellite is named Duchifat-3 and it is made by Israel Science Centre and students of Sha’arHaNegev High school.


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