Lockdown To Continue Till May 3 But Restrictions Could Be Eased After April 20

Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced extension of lockdown till May 3 but hinted possible relaxations in areas that show restraint to the spread of COVID-19 after April 20. PM Modi took the decision of extension to extend lockdown after consulting chief ministers of 13 states through video conferencing on Saturday.

Highlights of PM Modi’s speech

• PM said that the country should ensure that new hotspots didn’t spring up. The lockdown measures will be enhanced at hotspot areas till April 20.

• Each district in each state will be closely monitored to check whether the lockdown is followed. The decision on relaxations will be determined on the results of lockdown.

• The PM said that easing difficulty of poor was his top priority.

• He said that the country had benefitted from lockdown and social distancing. Also, he admitted that the people had to pay a price.

• India didn’t wait for the crisis to aggravate and took early steps to contain the virus.

• He said that he was aware of the challenges the people faced during lockdown period.

• He said that people’s resolve to fight the pandemic was the true tribute to Baba Saheb Ambedkar.

He asked for seven things

  1. Take care of the vulnerable in the family
  2. Follow the lockdown rules and practice social distancing
  3. Follow guidelines by Ayush Ministry to boost immunity
  4. Download Arogya Setu app
  5. Show empathy towards employees
  6. Respect those at the frontline of the battle
  7. Help poor in arranging food and other necessities

Source: https://bit.ly/3b9gXBz

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