See Who Kong Is Saving From Godzilla?

Trailer of the epic Godzilla vs Kong has raised hopes of quick release of the movie that has been delayed multiple times due to lockdown. Original scheduled to be released in March 2020, the movie could go to a theatrical release anytime.

About the trailer

Godzilla is back and can only be stopped by a mighty power like Kong and when the two titans clash, there will be destruction everywhere. This 2-minute trailer tells many things about the movie but remains silent over the appearance of Godzilla that appears from the sea.

The movie has a human angle. Here the Kong is seen to be obsessed with a chile that the mighty Kong wants to save at every cost. And he even doesn’t fear to fight with Godzilla for the child’s safety. Here Godzilla is presented as a bad guy determined to destroy the planet. But Kong is there to stop the giant lizard.

Kong looks different from his earlier avatars. His posture is calm and he looks like investigating his surroundings when he notices presence of a child and gets obsessed with the child. Suddenly, the sea water stirs and there appears a giant lizard. It is Godzilla and it is so aggressive that it starts destroying everything that it encounters.

Complete story

The best thing about the trailer is that it gives a complete picture of the movie. Also, the human angle of the story is highlighted to show human and animal bond. It has special effects that are never seen before.


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