Maharashtra State Education Department Released SOP For Schools During COVID-19 Pandemic


The state education department of Mumbai ordered discontinuation of online classes for students of Class 2, set a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for schools to conduct online classes for the academic year 2020-21. The regulation on the online classes will come into effect from June 15 after getting chief minister’s approval.

SOP for online classes

The education department has fixed number of hours for online study and numbers are fixed according to classes. Students of Class 3-5 could be held online for an hour; Class 6-8 for two hours and Class 9-12 for a maximum of three-hours a day. Also, the schools must ensure that the students get relaxing break between the online classes.

Phased opening of schools

The department also suggested phased opening of the schools. It said that schools can be opened in a phased manner, when no cases of COVID-19 are reported. Schools can resume their classes from July but they should start with Classes 9, 10 and 12. It can be followed with Classes 6 and 8 from August. And if the things go well, classes for students of Class 1-5 could be started from September. But the final decision about opening of schools is left with the local administration.

Experts prepared the SOP

The Standard Operating Procedure was made after detailed discussions with experts including school heads, academicians, social workers and others. The state education minister Vikas Gaikwad said that their idea was to bring uniformity in the way online education was conducted.

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