USA Cops found newborn girl child in a plastic bag, release the video to find her mother

There is no doubt to say, Humanity is no longer anymore. Everyone says save girl, but still, there are few creeps who leave their girl child in dustbins or plastic bags.

Police in the USA State of Georgia released a short video of a baby girl who was found in plastic bag alive as to find out her mother. Police named newborn girl as ‘baby India’. She was found in the crops struggling inside the plastic grocery bag.

This video was public on Tuesday in hope of identifying a child and her mother. They heard the baby crying in woods and found a newborn girl. The police first took her away to the doctor for a medical checkup and to perform first aid to an infant where she needs.

Police are searching for her mother since June 6. In the video, they ask for anyone who knows her or anyone who knows her mother who was in the last stage of pregnancy.

This viral video got lots of emotional comments on humanity and mother’s stone heart. Hundreds of users have shared the video to find her mother.

They also took Twitter to share information ‘safe infants’ to deliver them into safe hands such as hospitals or police stations rather throwing them into a bad position.


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