Will Mark Zuckerberg Follow Jeff Bezos? Know What Experts Have To Say

With Jeff Bezos stepping down as CEO of Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg becomes the last man standing, who founded Facebook and still owns the business empire. And experts link Jeff Bezos’ resignation to other high-profile resignations of Silicone Valley.

Jeff Bezos’ journey till resignation

What started as an online bookstore turned into the world’s largest marketplace for third party sellers. Jeff Bezos, the proud founder and owner of the tech giant Amazon, shot off his resignation to make way for others. He also owns The Washington Post. He has been at the helm of affairs for 27 years and he knows that his capable team will manage the job with perfection for another decade.


Other high-profile resignations of Silicone Valley

Bill Gates stepped down as Microsoft CEO in 2000 and further reduced his day-to-day role in the company eight years later.

Tim Cook took over the reins of Apple in 2011 after its founder Steve Jobs passed away.

Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin resigned from CEO and President of Alphabet in 2019 and appointed Sundar Pichai as the company CEO.

Would Mark Zuckerberg resign from Facebook?

Experts have different opinion about Zuckerberg’s future but they are certain at one thing that is his Facebook under the siege and until he brings his company out of the troubled waters, he won’t think of resigning from the top post. But the all eyes are now on Mark Zuckerberg as he is the only man left in Silicone Valley who still owns a company.

Source:- https://bit.ly/36G3Mbb

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