A Cargo Ship With 4000 Hyundai Kia Cars Capsizes In The Coast Of Georgia

The latest in English news headlines is about a cargo ship with over 4000 cars on boardcapsized close to Georgia cost in America. Also, the ship caught fire after turning down but all the 20 crew members in the vessel were saved by a rescue party.

Who is the owner of the ship?

It is Golden Ray and this cargo ship belongs to a South Korean company Hyundai Glovis. The ship was used to transport cars. It left Brunswick Port of America with 4000 Hyundai Kia cars but soon start tilting to a side. According to port officials, they didn’t find any problem during loading of the vehicles. The captain of the ship sent emergency signals when the 80% of the vessel was tilted.

About Golden Ray

The cargo ship is 656 ft long and it weighs approximately 71,000 ton. The vessel was launched in 2017 and it can transport 6,933 cars at a time. The American National Transport Safety Board is inspecting the incident but it has yet to arrive at a conclusion. The rescue team saved all the crew members and took them to closest medical facility for a detailed examination. They will be released after complete physical checkup.

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