AI Flight AI 502 Stranded In Delhi Traffic

Air India passengers had a harrowing time on October 16, Tuesday when they were made to wait for three hours to board a flight. And the reason behind the delay was unavailability of the co-pilot.

Where were the passengers going?

It was Air India flight AI 502 from New Delhi to Bengaluru. The flight was scheduled to take off at 1:30pm but it took off only at 4:20pm. The flight arrived at Bengaluru at 7:08pm.

What was the reason behind the delay in flight?

Air India first sought 30 minutes delay for schedule maintenance of the aircraft but it kept increasing the flying time 30 minutes till 4:20. The company revealed the real reason only after the stranded passengers raised a hue and cry for unexpected delay. They thronged at the Air India office to know about the real reason in delay.

Finally, the AI officials agreed to open their mouth to tell the real reason behind the delay. They passengers were told that the flight crew was waiting for the co-pilot to arrive. It was told that the co-pilot was stranded in traffic of National Capital and that no-one knows when the traffic would be cleared and the co-pilot would reach the airport.

How did the passengers vent their anger?

The passengers took to social media to vent their anger. A number of patients started sending tweets to tell people about the poor service of Air India flight. But the AI officials were helpless because of unavailability of a co-pilot.


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