Chandrayaan-2 Would Start Its Descend On Lunar Surface On Saturday

Chandrayaan-2 is finally ready to let its lander Vikram descend on the Moon. It has been 47-days since the Chanrayaan-2 left earth and now it is going to touch the lunar surface between 1:30am to 2:30am on Saturday.

Landing site

ISRO has marked two landing sites – primary and secondary – for Vikram the lander. It would first attempt landing at the primary site and switch to secondary landing zone only when it finds any difficulty on landing on the first site.

Primary landing site

The primary landing site for Vikram is divided into two zones and the final selection of a zone is left on the lander. It would hover over the primary landing site to collect data and take an informed decision on a landing zone. The two zones are 500m x 500m in area and separated by 1.6km.

Illumination by sunlight

ISRO kept the need for sunlight for illumination for taking clear pictures while choosing landing sites. Sun’s elevation would be more than 6-degrees on these sites. There would be plenty of sunlight needed to take clear pictures of the lunar surface.

Safe landing

Vikram would start descending on lunar surface from an altitude of 35km and follow the safe path determined by ISRO. It would stop at 400m above the surface and hover for some time to collect data required for safe landing.

With the success of Chanrayaan-2, India would become the fourth country after the US, Russia and China to send a successful mission to the moon. For more information please visit our latest trending News


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