Coronavirus: Why The World Is Scared Of This Virus Outbreak?

The latest tally of coronavirus is 106 fatalities and over 4,000 infected worldwide. But the good thing is that the world has come together to contain the spread of the deadly virus. 

In India, the Union Health Ministry has already sounded alert at international airports and has asked its officials to do a thermal screening of those coming from China. Several cases of coronavirus from Delhi, Mumbai and other states have been reported.

Members of security wear facemasks inside the high-speed train station connecting Hong Kong to mainland China during a public holiday in celebration of the Lunar New Year in Hong Kong on January 28, 2020, as a preventative measure following a virus outbreak which began in the Chinese city of Wuhan. – China on January 28 urged its citizens to postpone travel abroad as it expanded unprecedented efforts to contain a viral outbreak that has killed 106 people and left other governments racing to pull their nationals from the contagion’s epicentre. (Photo by Anthony WALLACE / AFP) (Photo by ANTHONY WALLACE/AFP via Getty Images)

An emergency helpline number has been set up to attend to queries about the deadly virus. The call center is active 24×7. The Union Health Ministry provided information about the helpline number in a Tweet. Anyone looking for help can call 011-23978046. He will be directed to the concerned district and state officials for help. 

Let’s check what is this virus and where it came from


Origin of the coronavirus can be traced to Wuhan city in central China and it is suspected that the virus took birth in the crowded seafood market of the sprawling capital of Hubei province.

Understanding coronavirus

It comes from a family of viruses known for causing health issues from common cold to respiratory illness like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). According to WHO, coronaviruses are zoonotic. It means that they spread from animals to humans. 

The present coronavirus was spread due to the consumption of infected animal food from the Wuhan seafood market. But it has started to spread from human to human. Since this virus travels via secretions of infected persons, it spreads fast and considered deadly.

Wuhan virus is called a novel

The latest discovery is a new strain of coronavirus. It is called novel and addressed like “2019-nCoV” to show its year of discovery keep it in a different category from others. The virus was first brought into the notice of WHO on 31st December 2019 after the cases of pneumonia by untraceable reasons being reported by the medical fraternity.

The infected persons had a fever lasting up to two days, cough with a sore throat and shortness of breath. The symptoms of 2019-nCoV could appear within a few days or take up to two weeks after exposure. 

Is it fatal?

Unfortunately, yes. In acute cases, the virus can cause severe respiratory problems and even renal failure resulting in the death of infected patients. But the bigger problem is that there is no vaccine available for this virus. Only prevention is the best cure for 2019-nCoV.


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