Everyone In Delhi Will Get Ration At Subsidised Rates From Next Week

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that the government had directed all fair price shops to give ration at subsidised rate to all non-ration cardholders. They will start getting monthly ration from middle of the next week.

Subsidised ration to all

In Delhi, there are 7.5 lakh ration cardholders and the number of people who have applied for ration cards is 6.5 lakh. The government has decided to give benefit of subsidised ration to all. There are many poor people who don’t have ration cards. The government has made a website for registering all those that are needy. They will get ration after registration.

Registration is required to keep track of people that are getting ration. Also, it is needed to prevent fraudsters from taking advantage of the subsidised ration. In the last day, over 50,000 people got registered to get 5kg ration per person.

Free meal for public

CM Arvind Kejriwal said that the government had made arrangement for providing free meal to more than 10,00,000 people. Also, the CM praised the NGOs and religious organizations that were serving free meal to people. He said that he wanted everyone to get a meal every day. On Friday, hunger relief centres across the city provided free lunch to 6,63,298 people and dinner to 6,78,554 people.

Delhi fights coronavirus

The CM said that Delhi received 59 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours. The total number of COVID-19 cases in Delhi was 445 but the government was able to prevent the community spread of the virus.

Source: https://bit.ly/2wjdwZU

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