First State Of The Nation Report Published On The World Mental Health Day

The State of the Nation report on children’s mental wellbeing states that more than 4 in 5 children and young people are happy with their lives. It is the first ever researched report published to mark World Mental Health Day on 10th October.

Highlights of the report

  • Children are happy with their families, friends and schools
  • Bullying especially cyberbullying is the key concern for poor wellbeing
  • Teenage girls are more prone to bullying
  • Sleep and leisure are also important factors in wellbeing of children
  • The pressure children face is different from the pressure their parents face
  • Older teenage girls constituting 22.4% in the age group of 17-19 years suffer from an emotional disorder
  • Seeing friends and feeling safe in the neighborhood impact children’s ability to concentrate
  • Age comes out as a bigger factor in wellbeing
  • Young females report they are more anxious than males
  • Females report more cyberbullying than males
  • Women have slower satisfaction with leisure time than men
  • Social media can’t be associated with psychological health of teenage girls

What was the need of the State of the Nation report?

The report fulfills a government commitment to piece together evidences on wellbeing of young people especially children of schools and colleges. The objective of the report is to identify trends and drivers that can promote wellbeing. The government aims to provide the right environment where everyone can grow. The report highlights the role every member of the society can play in wellbeing of children and young people.


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