World Celebrates The World Post Day And 145 Years Of UPU On 9 October

The Universal Postal Union (UPU) observes 9 October as World Post Day. Started in 1874 in Switzerland, UPU was the beginning of the revolution of global communication. The revolution is about the ability to write to others all over the world.

The start of World Post Day

The first World Post Day was declared at the 1969 UPU Congress in Tokyo Japan. And the proposal for starting a day for World Post was mooted by Shri Anand Mohan Narula, a member of the Indian delegation. And his proposal for declaring 9 October as the World Post Day was accepted by the congress.

Celebrations of the World Post Day

Every year, over 150 countries across the globe celebrate the World Post Day on 9th October. Some countries observe 9th October as a working holiday for their postal staff while others award the promising employees for commendable service.

Objective of the World Post Day

According to the UN, the World Post Day is celebrated to highlight value of the postal sector in everyday life for both individuals and businesses and its contribution in developing countries on both the social and economic front. The day is observed to encourage the member countries generating a broader awareness on the role of Post.

UPU Director General Bishar Abdirahman Hussein’s message

The DG thanked to the world citizen on the 145 years of UPU and called on the people to remember the role Post played in helping humanity across the globe. He further said the best way to celebrate the past is to work for the future.


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