21 June international yoga day: Learn its importance in our lives

To lead a healthy life stay tuned with physical workout is really important. Yoga is one the proved way to get happiness and relaxation in body and mind both.

When it comes to feeling cheerfulness, yoga is the coolest form to enjoy asanas and better your posture not just for good looking personality, but also for staying healthy and fit for life.

Olden times of yoga

Over the past few decades, yog kriya knowledge gave by famous Saptarishi. This knowledge spread worldwide today and people are enjoying it. The Saptarishi called August, who composed this yog culture around human beings in different continents of India. Between 800AD Sun is considered the best period, in the development of yoga.

Importance of yoga

To get rid of numerous diseases, stress and getting relaxation from your daily responsibilities performing yoga asanas becoming the part of an individual’s life. 21st June is an international yoga day declared by Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.

People are involving in yoga day by day in the sake of getting relief from pains, liver problems, and mental peace. Keep in mind one thing, yoga can be difficult. You need to work on correct posture and asanas to enjoy results.

The researchers believed that doing yoga frequently can be beneficial to deplete problems from the body such as pimples, glowing skin, weight management, thyroid, uric acid and more. If you do yoga you’ll automatically feel good and confident with your looks and health of the body.

Benefits of doing yoga

• It increased flexibility
• It improved postures
• It maintained blood sugar and pressure
• It acts as weight control
• It protects your body from internal damages
• Increases your stamina
• Make you happy and relaxed
• Make you sharp

Doing yoga is beneficial for every age person. So what are you waiting for? Get started tomorrow and celebrate yoga day with us.

Source: https://bit.ly/2WRrkqu

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