Hong Kong Crisis:China Blames Western Countries

Unable to resolve the Hong Kong crisis, China starts fortification of the former British Colony now under its direct rule. Chinese forces are marching towards Hong Kong after the standing police force of the colony failed to control the agitation against the new extradition bill

What is Extradition Bill?

The new bill will empower the government to send people in Hong Kong to mainland China for trial. But the Hong Kong residents are protesting against the bill and they demand be scrapped.

When did the protest start?

Protesting started three-months back when the bill was first introduced but the peaceful protestation became violent when the government displayed no sign of backtracking on the bill.

The Hong Kong police detained 44 persons for rioting but hundreds of protestors laid a siege outside the police station demanding unconditional release of the protestors. Police tried all methods including one of its officers brandishing his gun towards the protestors to disrupt the siege but to no avail.

What is the result of protests?

The near-daily protests brought the city life to a standstill with huge financial losses to businesses. Also, the social life of the city has disrupted. The protestors blocked roads and attacked China’s representative office in Hong Kong.

Protestors have following demands

• Scrapping of Extradition Bill
• Resignation of city leader Carrie Lam
• Independent inquiry of policy atrocity

What is the role of international community in Hong Kong crisis?

China believes that the protests in Hong Kong are inspired by international community that want to destabilize the Chinese government in the former British Colony. China blamed the Western Countries for tensions in Hong Kong.

What is US doing to solve the crisis?

The White House is closely monitoring the situation the crisis situation especially the build-up of Chinese forces on Hong Kong border. For more information please visit our latest trending News

Source: https://bit.ly/2OqsGVd

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