Mr. Bachchan has a new image on his Twitter account. It is Imran Khan sitting with the flag of Pakistan and Tweeting on behalf of none other than the Amitabh Bachchan, the Big B of Bollywood.
Mumbai police received a complaint regarding hacking of the Twitter account of Amitabh Bachchan @SrBachchan late on 10th June and a tweet sent in a hurried manner.
The Tweet as published in the media
thisis an important call to the whole world! We do condemn the irrespective behaviors of Iceland republic towards Turkish footballers. We speak softly but carry a big stick and inform you about the big Cyber attack here – Ayyıldız Tim Turkish Cyber Armny +++
The police have alerted the cyber police station in BKC and Maharashtra Cyber Crime unit about the incident. The matter was under investigation and the reports were awaited said Mumbai Police spokesperson DCP Manjunath Singe.