Myths Surrounding The Intensity Of COVID-19

COVID-19 became a known thing to science within a few months of coming into the world. It arrived from oblivion and spread like a wildfire. Today, it has taken the entire world in its grip but there seems to be no end to this pandemic.

Some most important and unanswered questions about COVID-19

Q.How does it spread?

The SARS-CoV-2 has infected over 2 million people in the world and resulted in over 10,000 deaths. It is passed through tiny droplets from coughing and sneezing.

Q: Is there any fear of reinfection

It is largely unknown but some people in China and Japan got re-infected from the virus. But it could be a low level of infection from the earlier infection.

Q: What is the number of coronavirus cases in the US?

Until the US start mass testing for COVID-19, determining number of infected cases could be anybody’s guess. There could be people with mild infection or the number could be scary.

Q: How deadly COVID-19 is?

Presently, some countries are facing higher deaths than others. Wuhan, the epicentre of infection, has a death rate of 1.4% but it was 5.8% in late February. On the contrary, South Korea’s due to COVID-19 is less than 1%.

Q. Is it seasonal?

Some viruses become less transmissible in high temperature and it is expected that COVID-19 will also become less intense in the coming months but it would be too early to say anything about this deadly virus.


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