Over 70% of Voters Say Boris Johnson Should Resign

Cry for resignation for the scandal-hit Boris Johnson government grew louder with hardline interior minister Priti Patel and finance minister Nadhim Zahawi joining the rebel group, while the prime minister was being grilled by a parliamentary committee.


• Nadhim Zahawi joins the delegation demanding the resignation of Boris Johnson barely 24 hours into the job as finance minister
• A total of 38 minister mostly from junior positions outside the cabinet had resigned
• Children and families Will Quince also quit alleging that he was provided inaccurate information before media interviews

UK Minister Priti Patel

What Did Boris Johnson Say To Parliamentary Panel?

“We’re going to get on with the government of the country”, said a defiant Boris Johnson even when he was losing his grip over the government. The 58-year-old leader further added that they needed a stable government and to get on with their priorities. But the lawmakers were little impressed as Johnson had no defense left.

70% of Voters Say Boris Johnson Should Resign

Series Of Events Leading To The Cry Of ‘Bye Boris’

Finance Minister Rishi Sunak resigned followed by the resignation of health secretary Sajid Javid. They said that the Boris Johnson government had been dogged by scandals for months.

After their resignation, Johnson apologized for appointing a senior Tory who had to quit after he was accused of drunkenly groping two men.

Deputy Chief Whip Chris Pincher had to resign due to prior allegations, but Johnson tried to defend his position by saying that he was unaware of Pincher’s wrongdoings. But that defense collapsed with a former top civil servant saying that Johnson, as a foreign minister in 2019, was told about another incident involving his ally.

Top critics attacked Johnson over the Pincher affair saying that Johnson turned a blind eye to sexual assault.

Minister for children and families Will Quince quit saying that he was provided inaccurate information before he went to defend the government in a round of media interviews.

Boris Johnson recently survived a no-confidence vote a month ago and the same can’t be repeated for a year. But a snap Savanta ComRes poll has a different story to tell. Three in five Tory voters said Johnson couldn’t regain the trust and 72% of all voters thought that Johnson should resign.

Source:- https://bit.ly/3AtjFRJ

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