PM Hints Lockdown To Stay Post May 17

Prime Minister Narendra Modi hinted that the nationwide lockdown could be extended beyond May 17 but with some relaxation. Yesterday, he had a meeting with chief ministers over video conferencing where he asked the CMs to send their suggestions on easily lockdown by May 15.

PM talked to CMs

The meeting concluded with CMs getting time to give their suggestions as many states want to resume economic activities after a long lockdown. But at the same time, they agreed to keep certain areas under restrictions as the cases of novel coronavirus aren’t showing any sign of easing.

Exit formula for lockdown

There is no clear strategy on easing restrictions but it is agreed upon that the lockdown will be lifted in a phased manner with restrictions lifting one by one depending on the number of cases coming from different areas.

The lockdown 1 stopped all activities across the length and breadth of the country but some restrictions were eased in lockdown 2. The lockdown 3 saw more freedom in certain areas. But the time isn’t ripened to life the lockdown completely. The states will give their suggestions on easing out the lockdown.

Coronavirus in India

In India, the number of COVID-19 patients have crossed 67,000 mark on Monday and it is expected to increase in the coming days. AIIMS director Dr. Randeep Guleria had already said that the peak of coronavirus had yet to come. According to him, the coronavirus peak would come in June or July.


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