Significance Of April 19 For India And The World

India is considered a superpower in the field of space. Developing the ability to hit the targets with precision from space was no less than a feat for India. Also, the world recognized its expertise of launching satellites. Today many countries approach India to launch their satellites at an affordable price.

Importance of April 19

April 19 has special significance in the history of India. It is the day when India sent its first satellite Aryabhata in the space. Launched with the help Russia, Aryabhata was the first scientific satellite of India.

1451: Delhi captured by Bahlol Lodi

1770: Captain James Cook reached Australia. He was the first western man to reach Australia.

1775: Start of American Revolution

1882: First maternity hospital in Calcutta started

1910: The Heli Puchal star was seen for the first time

1919: LesilieIrwin of America jumped from a parachute for the first time

1936: Anti-Jewish riots began in Palestine

1950: Shyama Prasad Mukherjee became the first minister to resign from the Union Cabinet

1971: India won Test Cricket series by defeating West Indies

1972: Bangladesh became a member of Commonwealth

1975: India launched its first satellite Aryabhata

2011: Former Cuban President Fidel Castro resigned from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba. He was a member of the party for 45 years


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