Switch Off Your Lights At 9 PM On 5th April Asked PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked people to display a collective spirit in the fight against COVID-19 by showing up on their balconies and gates once again on the coming Sunday.

PM Modi asked people to show up

Narendra Modi wants people to light their balconies and gates with candles, lamps, torches, mobile lights and whatever they can use as light to applaud unsung warriors against coronavirus. And he wants the people to do it just like they did during last month’s “Janata Curfew”.

He said that people should show up sharp at 9 pm on April 5 to mark their fight against COVID-19. But at the same time the PM urged people to stay indoors and maintain social distancing to defeat novel coronavirus.

Highlights of PM Modi’s message

• Social distancing must not break at any cost because it is the only panacea to break the chain of novel coronavirus.

• Never cross the line of social distancing.

• We should defeat coronavirus together and make India win.

• People are at home during lockdown but they aren’t alone as the collective strength of the country is with them.

• He said that he wanted only 9 minutes at 9 pm on April 5. He wanted the people to switch off their lights and light candles and torches.

• The coming Sunday, the country would fight darkness with light.

• PM said there was unprecedented discipline during the lockdown.

• Also, he thanked people for supporting the lockdown and making it a success.

Source: https://bit.ly/2wRbiRQ

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