Kamala Harris Draws Flak For Her Memorial Day Tweet


US Vice President Kamala Harris came earned the ire of both supporters and critics after asking the fellow countrymen to enjoy a long weekend on Saturday. But she soon changed her tweet to salute the military on America’s military Sunday.

Kamala Harris tweeted on Saturday….

“enjoy the long weekend” tweeted the Vice President and it came as a surprise for the countrymen to who the tweet was addressed but it didn’t go down well with America as Americans were preparing for the military Sunday.

Since the tweet was from her official account, Kamala Harris had little room to look for an excuse but to correct the things. And she was quick in responding to the rebuke she received from her fans, followers, and critics.

Kamala Harris tweeted on Sunday….

The Vice President saluted the military for safeguarding the freedom of the country. She said that they risked their lives just for the sake of the fellow countrymen. She further tweeted that as the country prepared to honor them on Memorial Day, the country remembered their services and their sacrifice.

It was a much-balanced tweet that the earlier one sent on Saturday. But it produced mixed feelings. And it can be said that the countrymen didn’t like the “long weekend” tweet.

See how people reacted to Kamala Harris’ tweet….

Some people said that the tween was too little and too late, while others said that the Vice President didn’t mention the military members that laid their lives in the combat in her tweet.

But Former Trump 2020 campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh severely criticized the Vice President for her Saturday tweet. And he even went to the length of saying that Kamala Harris sent the Sunday tweet after googling Memorial … Read more

How Forbes Ranks Vice President Of The US Kamala Harris?

World’s 100 Most Powerful Women

Forbes list of the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women includes women from 30 countries. It has 10 heads of states, 38 heads of businesses and 5 entertainers. These women of substance belong to different countries and pursue different professions but there is one thing is common in them that is they raised platforms for addressing the unique challenges posed by 2020.

It is an exhaustive list of 100 powerful women of the world where the US Vice President stands at 3rd rank. Here we’re introducing top 10 powerful women from the list of 100. These women have contributed to the growth of their countries in a unique way.

1 Angela Merkel, Germany (Chancellor Germany)

In 2005, Markel became the first female Chancellor of Germany and presently serving her fourth term in the office. Also, she’s recognized as a de facto leader of Europe for making Germany the largest economy of the region after a financial crisis.

2 Christine Lagarde, France (President, European Central Bank)

Lagarde became the first woman president of the European Central Bank on 1 November 2019. She’s been tasked to prevent the pandemic from further hitting the Euro zone.

3 Kamala Harris, United States (Vice President, United States)

First woman in American history to become Vice President, Kama Harris is also the first Indian-American woman to become a senator. She was elected to the Senate in 2016. Also, she became the first African-American and the first woman attorney general of California in 2010.

4 Ursula von der Leyen, Germany (President, European Commission, European Union)

First woman to become the president of the union that makes legislation for more than 700 million Europeans.

5 Melinda Gates, United States (Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)

As co-chair, Melinda Gates … Read more