Trump Hushed Up His Illicit Affair With The Help Of Michael Cohen

Trump Hushed Affair With Michael Cohen

The US President Donald Trump is said to be aware of the efforts made to silence a porn star and a Playboy centerfold about their alleged affair with Trump during 2016 US presidential election.


The new court records released on Thursday shed more light on the role the US President played to bury stories about his alleged affairs with two women – porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal. But the US Attorney’s Office in Manhattan said nothing on the revelation.

The statement was recorded by two anonymous people familiar with the matter. But the federal prosecutors that are already investing the charges of illegal money paid to the said women decided not to file any additional charges.


The federal prosecutors investigating the role of Trump’s then lawyer Michael Cohen said that they also investigated whether anyone made false statements or tried obstructing justice by giving false testimonies in the court.

The phone records clearly show that Trump was in contact with Cohen from October 8 to 28. This was the time when Trump was looking for ways to contain the stories regarding his illicit affair.

The prosecutors have Cohen’s phone records and text messages he used to communicate with Daniel’s lawyer Keith Davidson. Cohen thanked … Read more