This Technology Can Make India A Global Leader In Sports Analytics

Leading players in the sports technology space concluded that India can become a global leader in sports analytics at the Sportstar South Sports Conclave in Chennai on Tuesday. They further said that the country should use a data-driven training process to boost the performance of its sportspersons.


• Leading players took part in the Sportstar South Sports Conclave in Chennai
• They highlighted India’s capability of becoming a global leader in sports analytics
• Sports technology used for skill development can also be used to remove limitations in techniques

India A Global Leader In Sports Analytics

Who Said What In The Conclave?

Ramky S, Promoter, Sports Mechanics was the most prominent speaker at the conclave. He called India a poster boy of business analytics and highlighted the country’s strength to become a global leader in sports analytics as well. According to Ramky, the country needs to set up a process so that quality and authentic data across sports comes in.

Ramky was speaking at a panel discussion titled ‘Technology Powering Sports Revolution’ at the conclave. On availability of data, he indicated towards availability of huge data around athletes alone, but there are few resources to capture the data and use the information for correlation.

He warned that if the country failed to collect those data, it would lose a big opportunity and the chance to become a global leader. Sports Mechanics provides strategic consulting, technology, and analytics services to the global sports ecosystem.

Vasanth Bhardwaj, Promoter, Tenvic, said that sports technology could be segmented into an athlete, spectator, and sports administrators. He further said that sports technology was nascent in each of those stages.

Bhardwaj said that players relied on technology for skill development but the technology can also solve particular opposition or improve certain limitations in techniques. For spectators, the technology could be used to improve convenience like freeing parking spaces in stadiums. Also, it can bring transparency and integrity to the way of functioning of sports administrators.


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