Amit Shah Says J&K is underdeveloped country, He Builds as Hindutva Icon

Yesterday, the BJP hard work of Modi and Amit Shah has been proved in Rajya Sabha. The article 35A and 370 has finished now. J&K folks can enjoy the legal rights and status of Kashmiri freely.

Amit Shah strengthens as Hindutva icon with standing next to Narendra Modi. He was focused to end the J&K quo status. Shah was persuaded, it was legally achievable, and thrown the rights of variations activating outbreaks

By addressing P Chidambaram’s argument, he said might his historical decision not passed by judicial, and answering the Vaiko’s warning in a debate, Kashmir is becoming KOSOVO. KUCH NAHI HOGA, He said.

Amit Shah won 125 votes in Rajya Sabha

Article 370 has to finish. This becomes the stone in the development of J&K for a long time around 70 years. The condition of j& k people would worsen. Kashmir is the heaven of India, and we need to remain it.

Rajya Sabha approved 370 article abolish, and consider it as new UT of India. This debate has won by shah by 125 votes.

He said gain, by targeting on congress, article 370 was the biggest stone in the development of Kashmir. We would hope this will turn as better for the youth of Kashmir. Give us 5 years and we will change the J&K as most developed UT in India. For more information please visit our latest trending News


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