Are You Voting On Elon Musk’s Proposed Peace Plan To End Ukraine War?

Tesla Chief Elon Musk suggested a peace plan for the Ukraine war and asked Twitter users to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on the plan. But his peace plan drew flak from Ukraine and the west for being pro-Russian. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky himself responded to the plan through a tweet.


• Elon Musk suggested Crimea be recognized as Russia and Ukraine remain neutral
• He even proposed UN-supervised elections in regions occupied by Moscow
• Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky responded to Mush with his poll

What Did Elon Musk Suggest To End Ukraine War?

Elon Musk Suggest To End Ukraine War

Billionaire Elon Musk proposed that Crimea which Moscow annexed in 2014 be formally recognized as a part of Russia. Also, the water supply to Crime was restored and Ukraine remained neutral. Twitter users could vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on the plan.

He posted another tweet saying “Let’s try this then: the will of the people who live in the Donbas & Crimea should decide whether they’re part of Russia or Ukraine.”

The world’s richest person also weighed in favor of UN-supervised elections in the four occupied regions that Russia annexed through referendums. But the votes were denounced by both Ukraine and western nations as illegal and coercive. But Musk tweeted that Moscow would leave if that was the will of the people.

Musk said that he was more concerned about millions of people dying unnecessarily for an essentially identical outcome. He further maintained victory for Ukraine was unlikely in total war as Russia had 3 times the population of Ukraine. He wrote that if people cared for Ukraine they should seek peace.

In February, when Ukrainian government officials sought help to restore Internet services in the country, Musk said that SpaceX’s Starlink satellite broadband service was available in Ukraine and that SpaceX was sending more terminals to the country.

How Did The World React To Musk’s Plan?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky tweeted “Which @elonmusk do you like more? One who supports Ukraine, one who supports Russia.”

Lithuania’s President Gitanas Nausėda tweeted “Dear @elonmusk, when someone tries to steal the wheels of your Tesla, it doesn’t make them the legal owner of the car or the wheels. Even though they claim both voted in favor of it. Just saying,”


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