Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev Foresees Musk As US President

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and an arch-loyalist of Vladimir Putin predicts Elon Musk becoming US President after a civil war in 2023. He also sees a war between Germany and France next year.


• Dmitry Medvedev will now serve as Putin’s deputy and oversee the military industry
• He also made a rare visit to China to discuss foreign policy
• Elon Musk responded to Medvedev’s tweet in “Epic Thread”

Who Is Dmitry Medvedev?

Medvedev is the deputy head of Putin’s advisory security council and has served as president for four years with Putin as prime minister. A staunch Putin loyalist, he has been roped into the body overseeing the military industry. On Monday, Kremlin announced that he would serve as Putin’s deputy in the body.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, he has invented himself as an arch-hawk. Also, he recently visited China to hold talks on foreign policy with President Xi Jinping.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev Foresees Musk As US President

What Are The Predictions Of Dmitry Medvedev?

Medvedev listed his predictions for 2023 on his Telegram and Twitter account. He predicted Elon Musk’s elevation to US President after a civil war in America. This prediction comes after he praised Musk for proposing Ukraine ceded territory to Russia in a peace deal.

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Why Elon Musk Won’t Resign From Twitter?

Musk Looking For His Replacement On Twitter

Keeping his promise of stepping down as chief executive of Twitter on public demand, Elon Musk said that he was ready to step down as soon as a replacement is available. Musk ran a poll on Saturday and offered to step down on Sunday.


• Elon Musk offered to resign from Twitter following a poll result
• Tesla management also wants Elon Musk to focus on the electric vehicle business

What Was The Saturday Poll On Musk’s Resignation?

On Saturday evening, Elon Musk launched a poll on whether he should resign from Twitter. Also, he promised to abide by the poll results. And the results were astonishing. A total of 17.5 million participated in the poll and 57.5% of the voters said “Yes”.

The results are out on Sunday and Elon Musk offered to resign on Tuesday on the condition that there should be a suitable replacement for the top post.

Why Did Musk Ask For A Poll On His Resignation?

Tesla management was also questioning Musk’s involvement in social media and how his focus on Twitter was distracting him from running the EV maker. Also, Elon Musk has admitted that he has too much on his plate and that he would look for a CEO for Twitter.

How Is Musk Looking For His Replacement On Twitter?

Musk Looking For His Replacement On Twitter

Presently there is no successor in sight and no one is ready to take the responsibility of keeping Twitter alive. But Musk won’t relinquish all his responsibilities. He will keep some key divisions including software and server teams to assist the new CEO.

“I will resign as … Read more

Elon Musk Hires An iPhone Hacker To Fix Twitter Bugs

Mr. Hotz Hired For Twitter

After fixing his team, Elon Musk is focusing on fixing the “broken” search feature on the platform and removing the non-dismissible login pop-up. The pop-up appears every time someone tries to browse and these are the things that ruin the Internet. Mr. Hotz is already hired for this job.


• Musk hires Mr. Hotz as a Twitter intern for 12 weeks
• Hotz is a security hacker known for hacking iPhones

Who Is Mr. Hotz?

Mr. Hotz is a security hacker better known for developing jailbreaks for iOS in 2007. He also developed Play Station 3 reverse engineering. But it isn’t the first time that he is coming into contact with Elon Musk. The Twitter chief is already familiar with Mr. Hotz. He even tried to hire Hotz at Tesla but kept didn’t.

Mr. Hotz founded and according to Tech Crunch, he founded the company after getting into a fight with Musk during the Tesla episode. Hotz claimed that his firm will develop a driver assistance system that will equip other cars with Tesla Autopilot-like functionality. But Tesla claimed that it was “extremely unlikely” that Hotz could beat the Autopilot with his iPhone hacking skills. On the contrary, Hotz was determined to prove Elon Musk wrong.

Mr. Hotz Hired For Twitter

How Is Mr. Hotz Hired For Twitter?

Mr. Hotz appreciated the ultimatum Musk gave to his employees to “go extremely hardcore” or leave. Elon Musk asked him to join Twitter to fix the broken search function and remove the non-dismissible login pop-up. But it will be a 12 weeks internship period and Mr. Hotz has to perform and give results to continue his association with Twitter and Elon Musk.


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Twitter T-Shirts Go From “#StayWoke” to “#Stay@Work” On Musk’s Orders

Twitter T-Shirts

In his quest for a new Twitter, Elon Musk found a closet full of t-shirts with “#StayWoke” printed on them. And he got a creative idea to transform the tee to better represent the Twitter work culture. But his idea could trigger a bitter “culture clash” among Twitter employees.


• Elon Musk comes up with a new t-shirt design for Twitter
• He shared a video in which he shows “#StayWoke” tees neatly packed on shelves

See The Video Here

The video shows a black “#StayWoke” t-shirt and more “#StayWoke” tees in black and blue colors filled in the closet in the background. Elon Musk tweeted the video yesterday claiming to have found “#StayWoke” t-shirts stacked in a closet at his San Francisco office. The person holding the camera can be heard saying “Here we are at the merch thing and there is an entire closet of hashtag woke.”

What Is The New Twitter T-Shirt?

Twitter T-Shirts

Elon Musk is changing everything on Twitter and the latest in this series is the old “#StayWoke” t-shirt that Musk changed to “#Stay@Work” to represent the new work culture of Twitter. But employees fear it could be a reason for a “culture clash” between them.

According to the new work culture, Twitter supports a no-holds-barred work ethic. Also, Elon Musk has already asked his executives and engineers to work “extremely hardcore” or leave. It was an ultimatum given to them in a recent meeting. He axed those who are in disagreement with Musk.

Shortly after taking the control of social media, Elon Musk fired almost half the workforce and removed those who disagree with him or his work culture.


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Software Engineers Asked To Meet Musk In Person After Mass Exodus From Twitter

Software Engineers Asked To Meet Musk

Elon Musk continues to overhaul Twitter despite facing criticism for his radical measures including long intense hours of work. In the latest step, Musk asked all software engineers to Twitter’s San Francisco office at 2 pm today.


• Twitter software engineers are asked to report at the San Francisco office today
• Software engineers were told to send a summary of what their coding has achieved in the past
• Elon Musk wants to understand the Twitter tech stack with this meeting

Twitter’s New Order For Software Engineers

Software engineers received an SOS to fly to San Francisco to reach the 10th-floor office at 2 pm today for an urgent meeting. It has been made mandatory for all engineers to attend the meeting except those who can’t physically access the Bay Area or have family emergencies.

Software Engineers Asked To Meet Musk

What Is The Reason For This Urgent Meeting?

This meeting will help Musk “understand the Twitter tech stack”. The engineers are told to come prepared with a bullet-pointed summary with 10 screenshots of the most salient lines of what their coding work has achieved in the past six months. The meeting would be short said a follow-up email.

Why Are Twitter Employees Resigning?

A day before, 1,200 employees resigned forcing Twitter to close its office as a protest to an “extremely hardcore” work environment after Musk asked them to commit to intense long hours of work or lose their jobs.

Elon Musk has already fired 7,500 employees, scrapped the work-from-home policy, and imposed long working hours to overhaul the social media company.


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See Elon Musk’s Witty Reply To Pranksters Criticizing Mass Layoff On Twitter

Elon Musk’s Witty Reply To Pranksters

Elon Musk tweeted a picture of him posing with two people with the caption “Welcoming back Ligma & Johnson!” this gives the impression that Ligma and Johnson have been hired by the microblogging site and the CEO is welcoming them. But the truth is just the opposite.


• Elon Musk shared a picture with two pranksters who were criticizing the layoffs at Twitter

• The latest tweet is seen as a witty reply to pranksters

• There is no information about Twitter re-hiring fired employees

Let’s Study Musk’s Tweet

Musk tweeted the picture and captioned “Welcoming back Ligma & Johnson!” Soon after he sent the second tweet adding that it was important to admit when he was wrong & firing employees was truly one of his biggest mistakes.

The billionaire admitted his mistake and welcomed the two employees – Rahul Lgma and Daniel Johnson. But they weren’t ex-employees of Twitter. They are pranksters and the tweet was a fitting reply to their pranks.

Elon Musk’s Witty Reply To Pranksters

What Was The Prank Musk Replied To?

As soon as Twitter started firing employees, netizens started criticizing the mass layoff by Musk. Ligma and Johnson also pretended to be laid-off Twitter employees on the Internet. They tricked media outlets to gain attention as people were anxiously waiting to know about the mass layoff on Twitter.

People posted several images showing the layoff of Twitter employees. But Musk replied to the meme in which Rahul Ligma was seen talking to reports holding a copy of Michelle Obama’s book ‘Becoming’. Musk replied to that meme “Ligma Johnson had it coming”.


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New “Official” Tag And Other Latest Updates From Twitter

Elon Musk Create an “Official” Label

Elon Musk created an “Official” label for select verified Twitter accounts on Wednesday but it vanished soon. And all Musk had to say about this new label was that he just killed that. It is to be noted that Twitter already has a blue label for select verified accounts.


• A new “Official” label appeared on Twitter on Wednesday only to disappear on the same day
• Twitter’s coveted blue badge is undergoing a major makeover under Elon Musk
• Elon Musk wants to levy an $8 fee for the blue badge despite heavy criticism

Why Did Elon Musk Create an “Official” Label?

Elon Musk Create an “Official” Label

It was Twitter’s latest update along with the new $8 service with the blue verification mark but it didn’t last for long. Twitter launched an “Official” label for select verified accounts including government accounts, commercial companies, business partners, major media outlets, publishers, and some public figures but removed it soon after the launch.

PM Modi’s Twitter account had the “Official” label before it was withdrawn. During the launch, Elon Musk tweeted that Twitter would do many dumb things in the coming months. They would what be worked and change what didn’t.

Why Was The “Official” Label Removed?

When American YouTuber Marques Brownlee highlighted that the label had disappeared, Musk replied that he just killed that. The blue check would be a great leveler, said Musk.

What Is The Controversy Surrounding the $8 Fee?

According to Twitter’s early-stage products executive Esther Crawford, the “Official” isn’t available for sale, and nor would previously verify accounts would get the new label. But Elon Musk is sticking with his $8 fee despite facing criticism from all corners. Elon Musk asked Twitter users to criticize him all day but that … Read more

What Is Elon Musk’s “Deep Cut Plan” For Twitter?

Twitter’s Deep Cut Plan

Elon Musk has asked Twitter Inc’s teams to explore options for annual infrastructure cost savings of up to $1 billion and has given Nov 7 deadline to present a plan. But the teams fear that this move could make Twitter unable to handle high-traffic events like the U.S. midterm elections.


• Elon Musk could save up to $3 million a day from servers and cloud services
• But the steep infrastructure cut will compromise the services during critical events
• Musk has asked Twitter teams to work hard to meet Nov 7 deadline to present a cost-cutting plan

What Is The Present Infrastructural Cost Of Twitter?

According to an internal document, Twitter’s daily expense is about $3 million a day “with all spending and revenue considered”. But the company wants to go for a “Deep Cut Plan” to save as much as it can. It is estimated that the social media company can save between $1.5 million and $3 million by cutting down on its servers and cloud services.

What Is Twitter’s Deep Cut Plan?

Twitter’s Deep Cut Plan

The social media platform has extra server space to ensure that it can easily accommodate high traffic which is when people rush to Twitter to share and consume information. It happens in crisis times or major political events. Insiders say that Musk is willing to introduce that risk to meet those goals. Elon Musk can even reduce spending on Google Cloud services to fulfill the goals. But Google didn’t comment on this matter.

Twitter teams are working round the clock to meet the Nov 7 deadline set to present a “Deep Cut Plan”. Musk has even ordered some of the officials to work every day to meet the deadline.


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Twitter Sees An Exodus Of Officials For This Reason

The exodus of top management employees from Twitter continues after Elon Musk took the reins of the company. The latest to resign from Twitter is the chief customer officer and ad boss, Sarah Personette. She tweeted on Tuesday that she resigned last week.


• Sarah Personette and other officials resigned from Twitter
• The resignation of top advertising and marketing chiefs has added to the advertisers’ uncertainty
• Advertisers are stopping their ads on Twitter

Which Officials Left Twitter?

Chief Customer Officer and Ad Boss Sarah Personette, Chief People and Diversity Officer Dalana Brand, General Manager for Core Technologies Nick Caldwell, Chief Marketing Officer Leslie Berland, Head of Product Jay Sullivan, and Vice President of Global Sales Jean-Philippe Maheu have left the social media company.

Twitter Exodus Of Officials For This Reason

How Are Advertisers Responding To Twitter?

A group of over 40 advocacy organizations including the NAACP and Free Press asked the top 20 advertisers to pull their ads in an open letter fearing Elon Musk could get content moderation on Twitter. Mediabrands, a unit of ad holding company IPG, has also advised its clients to pause advertising on Twitter until Twitter takes trust-building measures and ensures safety on the platform.

It is to be noted that hateful content has skyrocketed since the change of guards at the top level. The Network Contagion Research Institute, which identifies “cyber-social threats, has already said that the use of the n-word had increased to an alarming 500% on the social media platform.

How Is Elon Musk Handling The Situation?

Elon Musk sent a tweet on Monday to reassure advertisers about brand safety. “Twitter’s commitment to brand safety is unchanged,” tweeted Musk. Also, his team is meeting with advertisers in New York as the advertisers have raised alarm … Read more

Why Is Elon Musk Downsizing Twitter?

Elon Musk Downsizing Twitter

The social media company Twitter will begin laying off employees as soon as Saturday according to The New York Times. The report further said that Elon Musk wanted to complete the layoffs before November to save stock grants given to employees every year on November 1.


• The New York Times reported massive job cuts on Twitter after Musk’s takeover
• The report said that Elon Musk wanted to save stock grants through job cuts
• Twitter will have a new content moderation council

How Many Employees Will Be Removed From Twitter?

As soon as Elon Musk completed the USD 44 billion Twitter deal, reports about massive layoffs of up to 75% of employees started pouring in from unconfirmed sources. The NYT reported that some teams would be trimmed more than others. The social media company has around 7,500 employees.

What Are The Stock Grants Given To Twitter Employees In November?

Elon Musk Downsizing Twitter

Twitter has a tradition of giving stock grants on every year November 1. These grants are a significant portion of employees’ pay. And by laying off employees before November, Elon Musk could avoid paying the grants. Musk has already assured investors to reduce the workforce and find new revenue streams for the social media company.

What Is Content Moderation Council?

Elon Musk cleared the air over Twitter content by announcing a content moderation council. He said that no major content decisions or account reinstatements would happen before the convening of the council. He also tweeted that they hadn’t made any changes in Twitter’s content moderation policies.

On Wednesday, Musk arrived at Twitter’s headquarters in San Francisco and met with engineers and advertising executives. The NYT reported that he asked his managers to prepare a list of employees … Read more