Capturing Carbon Emission Technology Can Get You $100 Million Prize

Inspired by the inaugural speed of president Joe Biden, Tesla Inc chief and billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk announced a $100 million prize to encourage development of technology to capture carbon emission. He said on Twitter that the best technology will get the award.

Capturing carbon emission

It is fast becoming a crucial part of plans made to cut carbon footprint. But there’s little progress registered in this field as all efforts are put at reducing carbon emission than taking carbon dioxide out of the air. But the shift in approach was noticed last year when the International Energy Agency highlighted the need to develop a technology that can capture carbon emission. According to the agency, only this technology can help meet the net-zero emission target.

$100 million prize

The announcement was made on Twitter by Elon Musk. Also, the billionaire entrepreneur said that he would provide more details in his second tweet. Tesla officials were approached for further information on the prize but they didn’t give any response.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk is heading a couple of futuristic companies in addition to Tesla. He has a rocket company named SpaceX. Also, he owns a startup Neuralink that is developing technology to allow human brain to connect to computers.

Joe Biden on climate change

In his inaugural speech, president Biden pledged to work on developing carbon capture technology to manage climate change. He even named Jennifer Wilcox as his principal deputy assistant secretary for fossil energy at the US Department of Energy. Wilcox is an expert in carbon removal technologies.


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