Challenges For The New British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson, the former Mayor of London and Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, is set to take over the reigns of Britain from the outgoing PM Theresa May, who will tender her resignation to the Queen on Wednesday. She will take questions in the House of Commons before resigning.

Boris Johnson

The new Tory leader defeated his closes rival, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt by 45,497 votes. Boris Johnson got 92,153 votes but Hunt could manage only 56,656 votes. Boris Johnson who’s considered the face of 2016 Brexit referendum would officially become Britain’s PM on Wednesday.

Brexit deal

Since its introduction in 2016, the Brexit referendum has toppled two Tory prime ministers, will dominate the political landscape with several conservative ministers threatening to resign to oppose any attempt for a “no-deal”Brexit. Economists have warned the country that the deal would disrupt trade and force UK into recession.

Theresa May on Brexit

May struck a withdrawal agreement with 28-nation bloc but UK’s parliament repeatedly reject her attempts to pass the deal. Finally, she decided to step down from the chair of British prime minister.

Boris Johnson on Brexit

Johnson has a different view on Brexit. He believes that he could renegotiate the Brexit deal with EU but the bloc insists it won’t. How takes the House of Commons, where most members are opposed to the “no-deal” Brexit, into confidence would depend on his negotiations with the bloc.

Brexit for Britain

Brexit is the termed as the worst crisis in British history post-WWII. Britain wants to exit from EU but with a deal. On the contrary, the EU nations have denied entering into any renegotiation phase to allow Britain to write a lucrative exit-deal. But Boris Johnson is confident that Britain would leave on Halloween.


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