David Covari made a World Record: Travelling 7 countries by Bicycle in 24 hours!!

David Covari made a world record traveling 7 countries via bicycle in 24 hours. Isn’t crazy? Well, it’s true!

In the entire world, you may find thousands of people who have registered their names in Guinness book of world records. Some are really dangerous and while some are quite amazing that surprise you for the whole day, how it was possible??

David Covari is also the craziest boy who made his name via traveling 7 countries in 24 hours. He set the new records. David made his trip of 24 hours to 7 European countries. After completing his journey and achieving his target his name registered in the Guinness Book of world records. On the talk with media, he said he made great efforts to achieve this. He prepared himself a lot physically and mentally for this trip.

David’s trip journey

David started his journey from Poland and visited Croatia through the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, and Austia. He said I did not want to go for a 9-5 sitting job. I wanted to try something new and made his name and I enjoyed. Once I decided, I did great efforts in research about the complete journey.

He wants to donate all his winning amount in charity and to serve poor peoples. Also, he said about his interests’ that his favorite destination was Hungary. The sight was relay tempting in the early morning and it was a delightful experience for me. For more information please visit our latest trending News

Source: https://bit.ly/2OLiPcL

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