Today Google doodle honours and celebrated Vikram Sarabhai’s 100th birthday!

Vikram Sarabhai was a founder of ISRO (Indian National Committee for space research) in 1962. Today, Sarabahi’s 100th birth anniversary Google dedicated honors to him. He was awarded as physicist, industrialist, and innovator.

Vikram’s achievements and background

Vikram was born on 12 August 1919. He earned his doctorate from Cambridge University. He founded PRL (Physical Research Laboratory) on 11 November 1947 in Ahmedabad.

He efficaciously convinced the Indian government on the importance of a space program after the Russian Sputnik launch. Dr. Homi Bhabha supported Dr. Vikram and setting up the first rocket station in India.

Vikram Sarabhai’s negotiation with NASA in 1966 and helped them in the experiment of Satellite Instructional Television experiment in July 1976.

Also, he underway the project for the construction and launch of the Indian satellite. Due to his efforts, the first Indian satellite Aryabhata put into orbit in 1975.

He was a chairman of Atomic energy commission. With him and his supports played an important role in the development of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.

This year ISRO launched Chardyaan-2 and this was the biggest development so far.

Therefore, today Google honors Vikram Sarabhai with a doodle. For more information please visit our latest trending News


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