Delhi Is Expected To Get Its First Anti-Smog Tower By Next Winter?

Delhi will get an anti-smog tower on the lines of China by next winter. The Supreme Court advised the state and center to check feasibility of setting anti-smog towers to clean capital of pollution. Now the Delhi government come up with a plan to set one.

How is Delhi’s first anti-smog tower planned?

IIT-Delhi and IIT-Bombay are working on a 20-25 meters tower with 30×30 feet dimensions. The University of Minnesota that also helped China in installing an anti-smog tower recently is assisting India in making its first air purifier.

Highlights of the Delhi tower

• 20-25 meters height

• 30×30 dimensions

• Cleaning capacity of 1 sq km

• Multiple filters to release fresh air in every direction

• The filters will be made at different heights

What people associated with the project have to say about the upcoming anti-smog tower?

It would be a pilot project and the location to install the first tower is yet to be finalized said Harsha Kota assistant professor in the civil engineering department at IIT-Delhi. Kota further revealed that the Delhi tower would be different from its counterpart in China.

While the Chinese tower releases fresh air only from top, the Delhi tower will release fresh air from all directions and at different heights. He maintained that the tower would clean air within 1 sq km area and it would work locally. Professor Mukesh Kharesaid that the structure would be permanent and it would consume 1 MW of power hence would require connectivity to grid.


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