European Union Passes Six Resolutions Against CAA And Kashmir Ahead of PM Modi’s Visit

As India PM Narendra Modi’s gears up for the India-EU summit in Brussels in March, there is a big backlash from European Parliament (EU) on the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the clampdown on Jammu and Kashmir.

EU backlash on CAA and J&K

EU parliament had six resolutions by 626 from 751 members on the CAA and J&K. But their bigger concern was CAA as they are of the opinion that the controversial citizenship law could create the largest statelessness crisis in the world. But the Indian government refuted the resolutions by calling both the issues as internal matters of the country. Also, the government assured that acts were adopted with due process of the law.

EU groups that moved the resolutions

  1. Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats
  2. The European People’s Party (Christian Democrats)
  3. European United Left and Nordic Green Left
  4. Greens/European Free Alliance
  5. Conservatives and Reformists
  6. The Renew Europe Group

While the first group denounced the fact that India had incorporated religious criteria into its naturalization and refugee policies, the second group expressed its concern over negative image of internal stability in India due to CAA consequences.

India’s reaction to the resolutions

India took exception to the move saying that the issues were entirely internal to the country. And the government displayed hope that those backing India would engage with the government to assess the facts related to the said issues before proceeding any further.


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