• The Arctic is warming at an alarming rate three to four times the global average
• Ice lost in Greenland can submerge the US in half a meter of water
• Ice melt from Greenland is the prime factor in the rise of ocean water
• Arctic ice sheet has also shrunk considerably
Global warming data collected in two decades highlights that the Arctic ice sheet is depleting faster than anywhere else on the planet. It further highlights the melting of Greenland’s ice sheet that has lost enough water to submerge the US in half a meter of water.
Which Agency Is Monitoring Global Warming?
Polar Portal is the monitoring agency. This joint project involving leading Danish Arctic research institutes started work in 2002 and released the data of two decades of study last week.
The ice melt seen in the satellite images provided by the US-German GRACE programme (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) was most severe near the coasts of the Arctic territory.
Observations by independent researchers also highlight thinning of the ice. They also highlighted glacier fronts retreating in fjords and on land.
How Is Greenland Losing Its Ice Cover?
In late January, NASA published a study in which it said that warming of the Arctic Ocean accelerated the melting of ice near Greenland’s coasts. The US agency further added that Greenland’s ice melt has risen the ocean water across the globe and that the glaciers were retreating up to seven times faster than they were 25 years ago.
The climate scientists even warned that Greenland’s ice sheet can raise the ocean water by 7 meters and Antarctica glaciers can raise the ocean water to almost 50 meters. They further said that the Arctic ice sheet has lost almost 13% of its surface ice in the last decade. But it had little effect on rising sea levels.
Source:- https://bit.ly/34ui14j