Why Did Trump Took Jibe At Imran Khan?

The US President Donald Trump took a jibe at Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan during a discussion on neighbors of Pakistan. Trump said that Pakistan lived with very friendly neighbors.

Imran Khan in the US

Pakistani Premier is on a state visit to New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly session on September 27. He met Trump on September 23 on the sidelines of UNGA. Both the leaders were discussing world situation when Imran Khan diverted the focus to India. Trump diluted the discussion by including Afghanistan.

When Trump said Pakistan lives with friendly neighbors

A laugh broke out with Trump’s friendly neighbor remark. But it was a little bit sarcastic towards Pakistan. The political analysts see it as a sarcastic intervention to highlight the real situation of south-east Asia and especially with India and Pakistan. Imran Khan is there to attend UNGA meeting and address the world leaders on September 27.

Source: https://bit.ly/2mOEe7x

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