International Tea Day: Herbal Tea For Gastronomical Problems

Bloating is a gastric problem caused due to acidity that could be due to the high and fast life of metro cities. But the good thing is that herbal tea can give quick relief from many gastric problems.

Herbal teas for gastronomical diseases

Mint tea

Cool and refreshing mint is good for stomach due to its antispasmodic property that gives fast relief from muscle cramps and spasm. Mint leaf is great for relieving stomach pain. Drinking a cup of mint tea would relieve you from painful bloating in a short time and would remain effective for a long time.

Ginger tea

Ginger is considered the best herb for treading gastronomical problems. Its supplements are used for treating bloating and loose motions. It contains a type of bioactive compound calledgingerol that controls bloating to a great extent.

Turmeric tea

Turmeric is known as a medicinal herb due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. A natural antiseptic, turmeric is used for treating many multiple diseases including gastronomical problems. Add a pinch of turmeric powder and black pepper to prevent bloating. Also, it would help in improving digestion.

Anise tea

Anise is known a gastro doctor and for this reason, it has been used in treating stomach problems since a long time. It contains a specific compound that relaxes gastrointestinal tract that allows smooth release of stomach gas.

These herbal teas can be prepared at home because most of the herbs are available in kitchen. Also, they can easily be bought from any vegetable vendor.


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