Novak Djokovic Won French Open 2021 Semifinal With Rafael Nadal In Curfew Time

Novak Djokovic beat Rafael Nadal in a high-voltage clash in the semifinal to the French Open 2021. The King of Clay is defeated in his game by 3-6, 6-3, 7-6, 6-2. It was the third-ever loss of the king at Roland Garros. Nadal was defeated just when he was all set to go for a record-breaking 21st Grand Slam title.

It is how Novak Djokovic did it

Rafael Nadal is a great player and defeating him in Paris is a big feat for anyone. Novak Djokovic became the only player to defeat Nadal twice in Paris. Let’s see Djokovic braving Nadal onslaught.

He stood mentally strong….

Nadal was leading in the first set with 5-0 with Djokovic dropping shots and Nadal running everything down. Suddenly Djokovic gathered the strength and won the opening set with 6-3. It is how Novak served notice that he had come only to fight.

Match leveling….

Djokovic had an early break in the second set but the World’s No. 1 was quick to make a comeback. But Djokovic kept Nadal pulling out of the court. His forehand cross-court shots made Nadal to miss shots to the advantage of Djokovic.

Stunning third set….

It was simply stunning as both the players threw themselves around the court and played to the extreme. Djokovic was leading with 5-3 in the beginning when Nadal hit back with 6-5. The match continued with both sides doing well but it was Djokovic who held firm to win with 7-4 after 93 minutes of action.

Djokovic service made Nadal run for points….

Nadal looked more tired, fatigued, and worn down while playing with Djokovic. And in the final minutes, Nadal looked almost cramping. But Djokovic was fresh throughout the game. The spectators remained spellbound despite the pandemic-induced night curfew.


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