UK’s Labour Regret Its Kashmir Resolution After Indian Diaspora Branded The Party As Anti-Indian

Labour Party of UK backtracked on its September resolution over Kashmir after some Indian Hindu groups labelled the Labour Party as anti-Indian and started a campaign to move Indian votes to Conservative.

What was September Kashmir resolution of Labour Party?

Labour Party took up the Kashmir issue in its conference in September. It issued a statement stating that Kashmir is accepted as a disputed territory and that the people of Kashmir should get the right to self-determination in accordance with the UN resolutions.

What is the present stand of UK’s Labour on Kashmir?

President of the Labour Party, Ian Lavery accepts use of offensive language in the Kashmir resolution and feels regret about criticizing India for abrogating Article 370 in Kashmir. He assured the Hindu community that the Labour Party is fully aware of the sensitivities of Kashmir.

Highlights of Labour Party resolution on Kashmir

• Kashmir is a bilateral problem for India and Pakistan to resolve together

• Both the countries have to resolve the issue by peaceful means

• Any bilateral solution on Kashmir should respect the right of Kashmiri people to have a say in their own future

• Labour Party is opposed to any external interference in the political situations of any country

• It won’t adopt any anti-India or anti-Pakistan position over Kashmir

The resolution is a snub for Labour ideologue-leader Jeremy Corbyn who’s supported the September resolution. With the new statement, the Labour Party president tried to pacify the Indian Hindu groups and tide moving of Indian votes to Conservative.


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