What Is The Result Of UNSC Closed Consultation On Kashmir?

United Nations Security Council held a “closed consultation” meeting for an informal discussion on the Kashmir situation after India abrogated Article 370 and 35A that awarded special status to Kashmir.

UNSC discussion on Kashmir

The UNSC is yet to make a press note on the discussion and decision taken on Kashmir situation. But the Indian Ambassador to the UN, Syed Akbaruddin made it clear that Pakistan and China were unnecessarily giving undue significance to a matter that belongs to India.

UNSC’s first discussion on J&K

It isn’t the first time that UNSC met to discuss J&K. On January 1, 1948, India approached UNSC to discuss the conflicting situation in Kashmir due to attack by tribal people and camouflaged soldiers of Pakistan. The UN created a commission that asked for a plebiscite in J&K.

Plebiscite in J&K

It never materialized because Pakistan didn’t fulfill the conditions. It had to vacate the area it had captured to hold a plebiscite. India was also asked to withdrew the non-residents from J&K before plebiscite. But Pakistan didn’t fulfill the condition.

Shimla Agreement

On July 2, 1972, India and Pakistan reached an agreement called Shimla Agreement. Under the agreement, both the countries agreed to keep the Kashmir issue at bilateral level and solve it through discussions. But Pakistan kept raining the issue international forums like Islamic Summit that it hosted in 1974.

UNSC members on Kashmir

Most members of UNSC are of the view that the India and Pakistan should solve the issue with bilateral discussions. But the UNSC opinion has little impact on the ground situation where both the countries are busy strengthening their positions. While Pakistan is crying foul over India abrogating the special status of J&K, India is stressing the point that Article 370 and 35A are internal matters of the country. For more information please visit our latest trending News

Source: https://bit.ly/2z4O4oz

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