Why Kim Jung-Un Missed April 15 Celebrations?

The US intelligence agencies have unconfirmed reports that the North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un isn’t doing well due to deteriorating health post a recent surgery.

Kim Jong-Un deteriorating health

Reports about deteriorating health of Kin Jong-Un, the supreme leader of North Korea, started surfacing when he missed the birth celebration of his grandfather and the founder of the nation, Kim II Sung. The last time Kim Jong-Un was seen publicly on April 11 during a meeting of the ruling Worker’s Party politburo.

Birth anniversary of founding father of North Korea

April 15 is the most important day in North Korea. On this day, the entire country celebrates the birth anniversary of Kim II Sung. And according to a report, this day is celebrated without any official mention of Kim Jong-Un’s movements. But his absence in the celebrations sparked speculations about his health.

Absence of Kim Jong II in 2008

In 2008, when the country was celebrating 60th anniversary of North Korea, Kim Jong II was nowhere to be seen. His absence fuelled speculations about his health. Later it was revealed that he had a stroke. But his health continued to decline until he died in 2011.

According to a research scholar and an official, if Kim Jung-Un was hospitalised, it would be mentioned in a report. Also, the official said that there had been a number of false rumours about the health of Kim Jung-Un over the years.

There is no official word from anywhere about the health condition of the supreme North Korean leader Kim Jung-Un.

Source: https://bit.ly/3ezqwff

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