Britain Will See More Deaths From COVID-19: Boris Johnson

On Thursday, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned of more deaths due to coronavirus while the chief scientific advisor of the government said that there could be 10,000 coronavirus infections in Britain.

Also, Britain and EU agreed to cancel face-to-face trade negotiations in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. The negotiations were planned for next week in London.

UK PM Boris Johnson’s warning

He said that the virus was going to spread further. Flanked by the top scientific and medical advisors of the government, he made an announcement regarding the “delay-phase” of the government.

The British plan of containing the outbreak will work in three phases – containment, delay and mitigation. In the delay phase, the government will implement social distancing measures like reducing large gatherings and closing schools.

But he said that no public meetings would be cancelled and schools would remain open. At the same time, he warned that the advice could change if the virus spread further.

Boris Johnson faced criticism for delayed response

He agreed that the outbreak has triggered panic in the business, trade and every day life and the global market. But he defended his late response. He said that he was working on the advice and he would do the right thing at the right time.

He said that people with mild symptoms should isolate themselves in their homes but this advice would change with the spread of virus. In worse situation, the families would be advised to isolate themselves.


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