Delhi Gets Repeated Quakes Starting April

Two earthquakes sent tremors across Delhi NCR in late evening on Friday. While the first quake was of a medium intensity, the second was a low intensity. The epicenter was of the quake was Rohtak in Haryana that is approximately 60 km from Delhi.

First quake

It occurred around 9:08 pm and it measured 4.5 magnitude on Richter scale. The National Centre for Seismology (NCS) recorded that the quake happened at a depth of 5 km in the epicenter. Tremor of this quake were felt across the national capital and the adjoining areas including Noida.

Second quake

It occurred within a span of one hour of the first quake. But it was a low intensity quake. The second earthquake occurred at 10 pm and it was measured 2.9 on the Richter scale. The NCS said that it was a low intensive quake with the epicenter in Rohtak in Haryana.

Could Delhi withstand quakes?

Quakes of less than 5 magnitude could cause damage only in the areas where structures are weak or compromised. But quakes of more than magnitudes could cause large-scale damage. India is divided into different seismic zones with Zones IV and V lying in high intensity areas. Delhi falls in Zone IV of the seismic map of India.

Repeated earthquakes in Delhi

It is the third time that Delhi experienced a quake in the month of May and fifth since last two months. The first quake of 2.3 magnitude occurred on 15th of May and the second happened quake measuring 3.5 hit Delhi on May 10.


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