Donald Trump Said India Has Religious Freedom And That CAA Is Up To India

The US President Donald Trump said that Narendra Modi wanted people to have religious freedom. He was speaking to the media about the violence in parts of Delhi over contentious citizenship law.

Donal Trump on CAA violence in Delhi

He said that he didn’t discuss individual attacks and those were up to India. He further said that they talked about religious freedom and that Prime Narendra Modi had worked very hard to have people great and open religious freedom. He also said that India had really worked hard on religious freedom.

On CAA, Donal Trump said that he didn’t want to say anything about CAA and that it was up to India. He hoped that India will take right decision for its people.

News conference of Foreign Secretary

Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla said that the CAA didn’t come up between Mr. Modi and Mr. Trump but both the leaders discussed religious freedom in a very positive way.

Delhi violence

Clashes over CAA continued to scorch Delhi for a second day when Donal Trump was in the capital for an arms-deal with India. The protests over anti-CAA law have taken lives of 25 people so far and there have sporadic clashes in Delhi and other parts of the country over CAA.

The protestors were attacking whoever came in their way when Donald Trump was with his family just 15 km away. The protestors attacked public property, vehicles and even police personnel and news reporters.


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